Sindhi Model Senior Secondary School

No 1, Domodaran Street, Kellys, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600010

About the Institution

Life is not a Brief Candle . It is a splendid Torch that should be made to glow as brightly as possible before handing it on to the future Generation”. Education is the means to achieve this end – a tool that helps to kindle and brighten this flame of life.Education is a manifestation of perfection already in man, it kindles and brightens the soul of life. With this great missionary concept, the Sindhi Educational Society founded Sindhi Model School in 1975 with 42 children on its rolls. The brain child of the Society has now grown into a citadel of learning, with a student strength of more than 2000 with 91 teachers. The school aims at all round personality development with deep roots in culture, patriotism, devotion, duty, discipline, character and conduct.

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